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Maurice L. Abarr

Lawyer, Inc.

Orange County Worker's Compensation and Veterans Affair Lawyer Maurice L. Abarr

Maurice L. Abarr started from humble beginnings in rural Missouri where he learned the value of hard work on his family's farm. After traveling extensively throughout the United States, he worked in a succession of menial jobs to fund his education.


After graduating from Western State University, College of Law in Anaheim, California Maurice was admitted to practice law in December 1974 and met another young lawyer named Milton C. Grimes. Maurice and Milton practiced law together for the next few years until he started his solo practice in 1979. Maurice and Milton continue to consult on specific cases from time to time, including the late Rodney King's case against the Lost Angeles Police Department officers charged with excessive force against Mr. King.

Maurice's beginnings and experiences in life and law practice have driven his passion to help clients fight for what they deserve. He has worked hard to hone his skills as a client advocate and trial lawyer. Maurice has been committed to keeping his education current by

attending numerous seminars over the years, including those put on by the National Institute of Trial Advocacy at Notre Dame Law, the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, the Consumer Attorneys of California, the California Applicants Attorneys Association (attorneys who represent injured workers), the Orange County Bar Association, the Orange County Trial Lawyers Association, the Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Association, and iconic trial lawyer Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers' College*.


* A note on Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers' College: Spence’s “college” is a special school for lawyers who represent the common person. Corporate attorneys–particularly those who represent Insurance companies–and government prosecutors are specifically excluded. Since Gerry began the "college" in 1994, he’s held it every summer—and sometimes a second one in the fall. It’s an intense, invitation-only, month-long course. Richard “Racehorse” Haynes telephoned me in May of 1998 to say that I’d been invited to attend that year. It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.





  • 1966-1968: Northwest Missouri State University

  • 1969: University of New Orleans

  • 1974: Graduated Western State University, College of Law in Anaheim, California

  • July 1974: Sat for the California Bar Examination

  • December 1974: Admitted to practice law

Physical address (by appointment only)
600 W Santa Ana Blvd, Suite 820, Santa Ana, CA 92701

Mailing address
P.O. Box 11484, Santa Ana, CA 92711
(714) 543-8416
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