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Veterans Legal Consultation Form




Filling out the form is the first step in the process of receiving help from our law office.  This form lets us get to know you better so that we may try our best to help you. We will contact you within 1 business day once the form is submitted.


Filling out this form does not create an attorney-client relationship and does not guarantee representation. The form and initial consultation are free of charge. Some veterans are just looking to get some questions answered and are not seeking an attorney yet. If this is you, we will gladly try to answer those questions. Do not hesitate in reaching out to us. 

VA Free Consultation Form
Are you a Veteran?
What is the nature of your disability?
Do you have the capability to scan us a copy of the Decision you want to appeal and email it to

Thank you  for submitting

Physical address (by appointment only)
600 W Santa Ana Blvd, Suite 820, Santa Ana, CA 92701

Mailing address
P.O. Box 11484, Santa Ana, CA 92711
(714) 543-8416
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DISCLAIMER: The information that appears on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute advice or legal opinion. The transmission or reception of any information through this website will not create or establish an attorney-client relationship, and will not act or depend on any information that appears on this website without seeking the specific and competent legal advice of a lawyer. The laws change constantly, and the information that appears on this website may be outdated and inapplicable to your circumstances and is not guaranteed. DO NOT SEND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION THROUGH THIS WEB SITE since an attorney-client relationship will only be established through a written contract from Maurice L. Abarr, Lawyer, Inc., and in no other way. Each case is unique, therefore, the testimonies and endorsements do not constitute a guarantee, guarantee or prediction regarding the outcome of your possible case. Required notice: "Making a false or fraudulent worker's compensation claim is a felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to $ 50,000 or twice the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or both in prison and in fine. "

© 2018 by Maurice L. Abarr - Lawyer, Inc. Designed and Developed by Client Growth Marketing

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